Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Everybody just wants to get high!!!

The older I get, and the more I see the world, the more that song ‘Drugs or Jesus’ makes sense…

My own little planet here on the blogosphere - Ick font change! Need bigger… Did I say something about me getting older yet?

If not it will be said eventually… Then I’ll forget and say it again.

So in the song he says, “Everyone just wants to get high, and watch a perfect world go by…” Or something like that, anyway it make sense being that people seemingly want to stay as numb as possible (Cough) and then die. No really.

A friend of mine the other day brought up something I said a few years back about people teaching their kids that they are worm food… I guess some don’t like hearing that, but essentially dirt or Jesus…. In a sense. Or the other million religions… Nother story.

Okay back to getting high… Drug of choice anyone want to toss a few out? No, no, no, not maryjuuuuuaaaana type drugs… Did everyone know about the national pot smoking day? I marked my calendar. LOL

Is that the Governator?

 But no not pot, that’s too obvious and has a passing effect…. There are all kinds of more lasting drugs. Individuality… Even though it is actually individuality with other individuals er, I am party to a group therefore I am… “I matter” is one of the top drugs of choice.

Still I want something even less noticable...

Let me see… Oh, the latest and greatest! I call these the Starbucks drugs and I don’t mean caffeine. Ooo la la I am pay an extra cent or two to save the rainforest, indigenous tribe, starving dolphins, worthless textile…

This drug is called morals by purchase…. Don’t get me started on environmentalisms… That’s for another blog. Yes, yes, I believe in doing some sort of conservation, just not the way ANY corporation would encourage a body to go about it.

I wanted to start with the cup of coffee a day plus ten cents makes you a righteous man! It is a drug… You feel better when you drop that dollar into that guilty little plastic bottle, right?

This is not about the give this child the surgery he/she needs quarter sheet at the counter of the local Los Cabos… Or about actual organizations like Compassion international… Those things are usually legitimate ways to affect an actual life…

Two thumbs up for this orginization!

Can someone set one up for these models please.... Like when I buy a bucket of chicken they get some food stuffed in their face?

(the quarter one is still kinda iffy but at least you have a name of an actual person you are supporting) And they are a conscious effort of you giving. I am most supportive of families setting aside an amount each month to donate to a cause vs. their nickel and dimes given out of guilt or because they chose a certain product that happens to have made a good moral choice for them…

Do you see where this is heading?

I am talking more along the lines of purchasing expensive items that have extra cents/dollars added to donations of various causes that you have NO knowledge of, and if given the opportunity you would actually NOT have supported and funded the whatever it is that you funded and supported because you wanted that type of coffee bean. And then the resulting high of “doing good”… Were you? Are you really? Is there such a thing as non-premeditated goodness? It took no time out of your day and it is an amount that you may not even notice… Hmmmm… Where is the real sacrifice?

If you sign up for an organization with the intention of supporting it that is essentially something sacrificial and a reasonable attempt at giving showing good moralistic behavior. Purchasing a water bottle that digs a well in the Congo… Two birds with one stone.. What’s the problem here?

Nothing really… Unless you get a tiny good feeling from that products charity… Adopting their idea to be charitable as your own… You possibly are affected regularly by this drug of choice… Stuff that does stuff for you.

Essentially you are relying on the company to be a do gooder… But you? Not so much.

Oh I could do 100 blogs on these different drugs that we use to get through the day and justify our naturally selfish humanity. We all do it, and have fallen into the trap of being … I know I know, American people (such negative connotations), who are most usually NOT starving and maybe even a little bit idol (if you have time for more than 15 minutes a day of the teli…) not saying - just saying.

Anyway, we all do it, we alllll do it, we ALLLLLLL do it,. But justifying US and the reasons for our existence come in all shapes and forms, religions and sizes….

Drugs or Jesus…